Abstract submisison is now closed
Meeting Themes
ASI 2024 will cover the broad topic of immunology and therefore, authors will be required to select at least two (2) of the following when submitting their abstract:
Antigen Presentation | Immunotherapies | Structural Immunology |
Autoimmunity | Infection & Immunity | Systems Immunology |
B Cells | Inflammation | T Cells |
Clinical Immunology | Innate Immunity | Transplantation |
COVID-19 | Molecular Immunology | Tumour Immunology |
Haematopoiesis | Mucosal Immunity | Vaccines |
Human Immunology | Stromal Immunology | Veterinary & Comparative Immunology |
How to submit your abstract
- Prepare your abstract using the ASI 2024 abstract template and upload as a docx,doc.
- Ensure your filename follows the naming convention of "SURNAME_First name".
- Overall word count, excluding the scientific title, authors and affiliations must not exceed 3000 characters.
- Authors are welcome to submit multiple abstracts. Add a number to your filename "SURNAME_First name_1".
Terms and Conditions
- The presenting author is required to register for the meeting in order to ensure their presentation is included in the final programme.
- The presenting author is responsible for ensuring that all named authors have approved of submitting this work for presentation
- To be accepted in the program, Presenting Authors must be registered for the meeting by 19 September 2024.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
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