Immunology & Cell Biology

Publishing Critical Research since 1924

2023 Impact Factor 3.2
2023 Scopus Citescore 7.5

Celebrating ICB's 100th anniversary year in 2023

Immunology & Cell Biology cover image

ICB spans the breadth of immunology with an emphasis on the cell biology of the immune system. Of particular interest are the areas of cellular immunology, innate and adaptive immunity, immune responses to pathogens, tumour immunology, immunopathology and immunogenetics.

ICB is the home to 90 publications by Burnet in developing his theories leading to the award of the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1960.


  • Cellular immunology
  • Immune responses to pathogens
  • Immunopathology
  • Immunogenetics
  • Innate and adaptive immunity
  • Tumour immunology
  • Immunotherapy
  • Immunological studies in humans and model organs (including mouse, rat, Drosophila, etc.)


  • Rapid evaluation for publication
  • Average Time to First decision of 12 days (2022 manuscripts)
  • No publishing fee for subscription articles
  • Option for Expedited Review if your manuscript has recently undergone peer review at an approved journal NEW in 2022
  • 2022 Impact Factor 4.0
  • 2022 Scopus CiteScore 9.9
  • Outstanding Observations – Rapid publication of cutting-edge research 
  • Original Articles, Reviews, Perspectives, News & Commentaries
  • Special Features
  • Virtual Issues
  • Open Access Option – Direct to peers 
  • Member of COPE for responsible publication ethics 
  • Eligibility for the Immunology and Cell Biology Social Impact Award
  • Immunology Future Series


  • When selecting the OnlineOpen option in ICB receive a 20% discount off the Article Processing Charge *
  • Be in the running for the award of ‘ICB Publication of the Year’, which also includes a speakers slot at the ASI annual meeting**

*Eligible only to current financial ASI members. To receive the member-only code, please contact us. Further information about the Wiley-CAUL agreement can be found here
**Awarded to the best publication from a current financial ASI member who is first author.

ICB Website

ICB has an Expedited Review process

Immunology & Cell Biology challenges the culture of scientific publishing
Immunology & Cell Biology is committed to making a positive culture change in scientific publishing.
'ICB Expedited Review' is an exciting new initiative.  ICB is trialling a new, fast-tracked review process of articles with validated reviews at other reputable journals.

Key Features of 'ICB Expedited Review'
ICB will use external peer reviews to make the first decision.
Authors can transfer reviews from another journal to ICB, together with a point-by-point response. 
Click here to learn more.



The growth of mouse bone marrow
cells in vitro

Bradley, T.R. & Metcalf, D.
Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 44, 287-299 (1966).
>2000 citations – a cornerstone publication allowing identification and characterisation of CSFs.

A reassessment of the forbidden clone hypothesis of autoimmune disease. 
Burnet, F.M.
Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 50, 1-9 (1972).
1 of 90 publications by Burnet in developing his theories leading to the award of the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1960.

ICB Website ICB Access (members login)

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