ASI Clinical Translation School
Connecting clinicians and clinician researchers to innovate and collaborate, in the fields of immune-mediated diseases, immunotherapy and oncology.
The ASI Clinical Translation School
A highlight on the clinician researcher calendar, this is an event not to be missed if you are actively involved in the field of clinical and translational immunology.
The ASI Clinical Translation School on Clinical and Translational Immunology will take place from 18-20 September 2024 in a face-to-face format.
This meeting is intended for young scientists (advanced PhD students and postdocs) and medical doctors/clinician researchers from around the world, who are actively involved in the field of clinical and translational immunology with focus on immune-mediated disease, immunotherapy and oncology.
The goal of this meeting is to bring together clinicians and clinician researchers to discuss advanced and up-to-date allergy, asthma, autoimmunity, inflammation, tumour and chronic diseases related immunological research with approximately 40 young basic and clinician researcher scientists in a friendly environment.
A list of stellar translational immunologists from prominent institutes, including St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, Monash University, Australian National University, UNSW Sydney, University of Queensland, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Lions Eye Institute, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, and the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, will deliver 12 informative lectures. The meeting will be held at Q Station Manly in Sydney, New South Wales.
We currently invite Expressions of Interest to attend the inaugural ASI Clinical Translation School.
Please click here to visit the ASI Clinical Translation School EOI submission page.
We are currently seeking sponsors for this unique inaugural event.
Please get in touch if your target audience is immunologists, and particularly those who are active clinicians or clinician-researchers.
Have you been invited to speak at this event? Please use this form to let us know your dietary requirements.