Autoimmunity and Tolerance


Autoimmunity and Tolerance


Emma Hamilton-Williams  University of Queensland Chairperson
Stuart Mannering St Vincent's Institute Co-Chairperson & VIC Representative
Joanne Reed University of Sydney NSW Representative
Simon Barry University of Adelaide SA Representative
Stephen Daley Queensland University of Technology QLD Representative
Shelley Gorman Telethon Kids Institute WA Representative


Autoimmunity is a key area of strength for Australian and New Zealand Immunology.  The ASI Autoimmunity and Tolerance SIG continues the efforts of Prof Kevin Lafferty when he founded the highly successful 'Autoimmunity Workshop', formerly held every 2 years until  2012.  

Vision for Autoimmunity and Tolerance SIG

Our overall vision is to connect ASI members researchers who work on autoimmunity or induction of immune tolerance. The AAT SIG will provide a focal point to foster collaborations between SIG members, provide a forum for sharing of ideas and challenges and to support emerging researchers in this field.

Specific goals include:

  1. Provide a forum for ASI members interested in autoimmunity and immune tolerance to meet every year.
  2. Provide a network to foster collaboration between ASI researchers working in different autoimmune diseases.
  3. Raise the profile of autoimmunity and tolerance research within the broader ASI community.
  4. Provide a supportive forum for emerging autoimmunity and tolerance researchers to present their work and interact with the ASI members with similar interests.
  5. Invite International speakers with expertise in autoimmunity and tolerance to visit and present in Australia.
  6. Provide a forum for discussing issues common to the study of autoimmune diseases workshops to promote new technologies that may be applicable to autoimmunity and tolerance research.

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