Carer's Grants


ASI Carer's Grants:
Branch Meetings and
Annual Scientific Meeting

Application rounds:
Open all year - for Branch Meetings
July 9th - August 12th 2024 - for ASI 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting


ASI strongly promote equity and diversity, and we wish to support primary carers to be able to attend ASI Branch Meetings and the ASI Annual Meeting. We acknowledge the challenges associated with attending your local branch meeting or the annual meeting, and now offer the ASI Carer's Grant to help offset the costs of caring either at home or at the meeting.

The award cannot be used for normal care costs, but only for additional care arrangements required to enable carers to attend a branch meeting. Such costs include: 

  • Employment of a carer while the primary carer is away 
  • Before- or after-school care for children while the primary carer is away 
  • Travel costs for a dependant (and carer) to accompany the primary carer to the meeting 
  • Travel costs for a relative or substitute carer to care for a dependent at home while the primary carer is away. 

The award does not cover the ordinary costs of the meeting such as travel expenses or registration.


  • Applicants must be current ASI members
  • Applicants must be the primary carer of a dependent and/or one or more dependent children of primary school age, or younger.
  • All genders are welcome to apply

Application procedure

  1. Download the application form for either the:
  2. Save your file as "LASTNAME YYYY_Carers Grant” as a single pdf file.
  3. Log in to your member profile and click on 'Applications'. 

Assessment Criteria

  • Quality of application
  • Likely professional benefits of the proposed attendance

The selection of the awardees will be made by the ASI Executive committee (or their delegates). The committee reserves the right not to make an award.


Up to AUD 500 per grant for costs associated with additional caring support that allows the primary carer to attend their local Branch Meeting. 
Up to AUD 1000 per grant for costs associated with additional caring support that allows the primary carer to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting. 

Successful recipients- how to claim your award:

Please log in to your member profile to initiate the reimbursement process.

Applicants must be willing to contribute to the ASI Newsletter on conclusion of the travel.

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