Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of your most commonly asked questions
1. I need a Tax Invoice. Where can I find it?
This was emailed to you at the time of registering so please look in your spam/junk folders.
If you are a current ASI Member, this is also available in your member log in under the tab called 'Invoices'.
2. I've won an award - what are the next steps? How do I claim this or get reimbursed?
If your application has been successful and the application allows for reimbursement, you will be able to initiate a claim from within the 'Applications' tab in your member profile, providing all eligibility criteria have been met.
Wait for a system-generated email to prompt you to login.
Please click here to log into your ASI Member Portal. In your ASI member login, click on 'Applications' on the green horizontal bar. Click on the green 'claim' button next to your application, and follow the prompts. It will look similar to the screenshot below:
🚩 Importantly, if you have won an award, please ensure you refer to the Awards page and follow the points below:
- Ensure the amount you are claiming does not exceed your awarded amount.
- Check the claimable items allowed (for e.g., food is not considered a claimable item) and ensure you claim all expenses in one reimbursement (multiple claims will not be accepted).
- Check the documentation required from you to process your claim, including whether a Newsletter contribution is needed and proof of conference attendance (Newsletter Submission Guidelines are available in your member profile 'Documents' tab).
- Ensure you submit your claim within 12 months of your award notification.
- Acknowledge ASI funding in your presentations by including the ASI logo. Please download a high-resolution copy of the ASI logo from your ASI member profile ('Documents' tab).
If there is a travel component to your award, your claim will be processed after travel has been completed.
If you are not a current ASI member, you will need to contact us for a manual claim form.
3. I'd like to join ASI membership but I don't know 2 current ASI Members who can act as my Nominators.
🔘 Are you based in Australia or New Zealand? If so, locate your Branch Councillor and ask if they can act as one Nominator and suggest another Nominator, or contact us with some additional information such as a C.V., an institute biography page url, or LinkedIn profile.
🔘Are you based outside of Australia or New Zealand? If so, contact us with at least 2 of the following: C.V., institute biography page url, or LinkedIn profile.
4. What is my member number?
Log in to your member profile by navigating to the top right corner of the ASI website.
Then on the green horizontal bar, click on 'Home'. You should see your member number, the year of your membership, and what your member status is.
5. Am I a current member?
Log in to your member profile by navigating to the top right corner of the ASI website.
Then on the green horizontal bar, click on 'Home'. You should see your member number, the year of your membership, and what your member status is.
6. How do I renew my membership?
First, make sure you know which email address you have registered with ASI.
Then simply click on the below.
🔘 Is your last held membership dated last year? If so, simply pay your membership fee.
🔘 Is your last held membership dated the year before last year? The renewal link above will detect whether your membership has expired. You will be prompted to provide names and email addresses of 2 current members willing to act as your Nominators.
7. I'm not sure if I am receiving all ASI emails. What do I do?
We have so many great opportunities for awards and funding to tell you about, which means you should be receiving between 1-3 emails from us per week if you are an ASI member.
The 2 email addresses you will receive ASI emails from are:
ℹ️ To make sure you receive ASI emails, please add these email addresses to your address books or 'safe sender's' list, or contact your organisation's I.T. department to 'whitelist' (allow) these 2 addresses.
ℹ️ The most common reason for why some ASI members do not receive ASI emails is because they have not ticked the 'consent' box in their ASI member profiles. Please log in to your ASI member profile and check that you have provided consent.
Due to our extensive membership, we need to email large lists of people and because of this, our emails can get caught up in institute spam filters. Please take two minutes now to ensure you receive all ASI communications.
If you are a former member, you will also continue to receive ASI emails unless you unsubscribe in the footer.
8. How do I join a Special Interest Group (SIG) or find out which SIG I am already a member of?
Log in to your member profile by navigating to the top right corner of the ASI website.
Then on the green horizontal bar, click on 'Profile' and then 'Your Details 2'. You should see the list of Special Interests and your indications there.