ASI Mentor-Mentee Program
Supporting our student members by providing mentoring opportunities
EOI Submission Round: August 15th - 30th 2024
We know that access to senior researchers as formal mentors can be difficult, and students often miss out on mentoring relationships that develop in and out of the workplace.
The ASI Mentor-Mentee Program provides a platform for student members to pair with an experienced immunologist as their mentor for 6-8 months.
For mentees, this is a valuable opportunity to expand their networks and learn more about having a career in immunology. For mentors, this is a rewarding and satisfying opportunity to give back a little and to share their experiences and knowledge.
Throughout the program we will run workshops for mentors and mentees to make the most of the mentoring relationships, and we will hear from eminent immunologists about their broad immunology research and teaching careers.
This program is another fantastic benefit of being an ASI Member. The subscription to the mentoring software (MentorLoop), has been funded by the ASI Special Initiatives Scheme.
This program aims to support students (Honours, Masters and PhD) at the earliest phases of their careers through mentoring relationships focussing on either research, teaching/education, or teaching and research.
Given the limitation on numbers in the program, participants will need to submit an EOI and suitability will be determined. We will then contact those who have applied and notify them of the outcome.
Key Features of the Program
✔️ Mentor-mentee pairs will self-match or be matched based on location, interests and other factors.
✔️ Participants will attend a series of online webinars at the start of the program to provide mentoring training and support throughout.
✔️ There will be additional webinars to provide support throughout the program.
✔️ This program will run for 6-8 months, and we encourage mentors and mentees to meet at least once per month (online or in person).
- All current ASI Student Members are eligible to be Mentees, including those who will complete their studies during the program.
- All current ASI Ordinary Members who have had their PhD conferred are eligible to be Mentors. Those in academic, industry or government roles alike are encouraged to apply.
How to submit your EOI
This opportunity closes on August 30th 2024
- MENTORS: Click here to download the ASI Mentor EOI Form.
MENTEES: Click here to download the ASI Mentee EOI Form. - Save your file as "LASTNAME YYYY_Mentoring”
- Log in to your member profile, click on 'Applications' and follow the prompts to apply for either "ASI Mentor - EOI" or "ASI Mentee - EOI".
Please submit an Expression of Interest before the deadline. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Resources from previous programs
Access to 2022 ASI Mentor Resources (requires login)
Access to 2022 ASI Mentee Resources (requires login)