Special Interest Groups


Special Interest Groups

ASI is proud to support Special Interest Groups to provide a focus for members working in particular subject areas.

Autoimmunity and Tolerance

Clinical Immunology



Innate Immunity

Mucosal Immunology

Stromal Immunology

Systems Immunology: Technology, Quantification & Application (SITQA)

Tumour Immunology

SIGs have their own newsletters and organise speakers and workshops for the annual scientific meeting and throughout the year. SIGs are nationally based groups with leadership team representatives covering Australia and New Zealand. Please contact the SIG co-ordinators for further information regarding activities of each of the groups.

How to join an ASI Special Interest Group

Head into your ASI member profile and check the boxes to indicate your special interests.  You will automatically be added to the email list for that SIG and receive all future relevant communications.

ASI Special Interest Group COORDINATOR

Name: Angelica Lau
Position: Program Manager, HealthTech
Affiliation: Cicada Innovations

[email protected]

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