Annual Membership Fees


$150.00 ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP AUSTRALIA  (living in Australia)
$136.00 OVERSEAS  ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP (living in NZ and other overseas countries)
$61.00 OVERSEAS  STUDENT MEMBERSHIP (living in NZ and other overseas countries)
$23.00 OVERSEAS  RETIRED MEMBERSHIP (living in NZ and other overseas countries)
$1100.00 SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP (Australian company)
$1000 OVERSEAS SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP (Non-Australian company)

All annual membership fees include free online access to Immunology & Cell Biology, and Clinical & Translational Immunology (open access).
All fees (except Overseas memberships) include 10% GST and are shown in Australian dollars.

Interim membership fees

Interim membership is an option for new (first time) members joining in the second half of the year. Interim membership will cost 50% of the full membership price for each category. It is not available to those who have been a member at any time in the past.

Please note that, if you plan to apply for awards from ASI in the year after you join ASI, then you need to apply for full membership, not interim membership, and pay the next years’ subscription prior to 1 April.

To apply the discounted membership fee to your membership application, please check the box when prompted.

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