Innate Immunity


Innate Immunity

Committee Chairs

Dominic De Nardo, Monash University, VIC  Co-chair
Larisa Labzin, University of Queensland, QLD  Co-chair

An overview of Innate Immunity 

The innate immunity system is considered the first line of host defence against infection. It is activated by a wide variety of highly conserved components of microbes termed, pattern-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). To rapidly detect these danger signals innate immune cells (e.g., macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils) express families of germ-line encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). In general, the activation of these receptors leads to induction of specific signal transduction or proteolytic pathways, ultimately resulting in the production of inflammatory mediators (e.g., cytokines, chemokines, interferons [IFNs]) that coordinate further recruitment of immune cells and lymphocytes to sites of inflammation, and ensure an appropriate inflammatory response to a specific insult. The activation of the adaptive immune system is also mediated following antigen presentation. Signals emanating from the activation of PRRs are not only critical for direct killing of invading microorganisms and the restoration of tissue homeostasis. Controlled inflammation in the context of protection, repair and physiology are therefore beneficial for the host. In contrast, chronic inflammation can have detrimental outcomes, often resulting from persistent infection or in response to sterile inflammation driven by metabolic abnormalities or environmental irritants. Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases. In recently years it has become increasingly evident that innate immune responses are intimately linked to other critical cellular processes, including cell death, metabolism, senescence, autophagy and anti-cancer responses to name a few. Hence, a thorough understanding of innate immunity is critical not only within immunology but more broadly. 

The Innate Immunity Special Interest Group (SIG) 

Our major goals are to: 

  • Raise the profile of innate immunity in the Australian-New Zealand immunology community 
  • Bring together innate immunity researchers to facilitate new collaborations and networks 
  • Provide opportunities to share expertise, methodologies and reagents to accelerate progress in the field 
  • Create platforms for innate immunity researchers to present their work 
  • Promote diversity and inclusion of our researchers and across research topics 
  • Promote innate immunity early- and mid-career researchers 

Major topics:

  • Pattern Recognition Receptors 
  • Innate Immune cells e.g., Macrophages, Dendritic Cells, Neutrophils 
  • Innate lymphoid cells 
  • NK cells 
  • Myeloid biology 
  • Antigen presentation 
  • Inflammatory cell death 
  • Host-pathogen interactions 
  • Inflammatory diseases 
  • Autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases 
  • Innate cytokines (e.g., IL-1b, type I and III IFNs, IL-6, TNF) 

Events to be held in 2024

Watch this space for updates!

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