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Thumbnail for The art of science - ICB cover art competition for 2020

Thursday July 11, 2019

ICB is looking for exciting and eye-catching images to use for its 2020 cover. We are offering the opportunity for your image to be the one selected for 2020. The winning entry will also receive a $500 prize.* To submit your winning image, please email your entry to [email protected] and include “ICB Cover” in the subject line. The closing date is 31st August 2019.  Helpful advice: We need high resolution images, but if your file size is too large to send by e-mail, ...

Wednesday May 01, 2019

Contagious Cancer – the curious case of Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease. We all know that you can’t ‘catch’ cancer from another person, because cancer is not contagious. But, for Tasmanian devils this is not the case.

Thumbnail for ICB: Invitation to ASI Members to act as Guest Editors for Special Features 2020

Tuesday March 05, 2019

Special Invitation for ASI Members The Editors of Immunology & Cell Biology are looking for ASI members to act as Guest Editors for Special Features to be published in 2020. This invitation is open to all ASI members, but we particularly encourage early and mid-Career scientists to apply. Special Feature Reviews in ICB offer a unique way to cover recent developments and evolving knowledge in specific areas of immunology and cell biology and greatly help to increase our impact in the field. ICB Special Features in ...

Thumbnail for We reveal our exciting new ICB covers for 2019

Sunday December 23, 2018

We recently offered ASI members the opportunity to submit an image to be used as the new 2019 cover for our ASI flagship journal Immunology & Cell Biology. 2019 ICB Cover by Fernando Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes, WEHI & Carolina Camargo de Oliveira, UFPR, Brazil 2019 Special Features Cover by Chelsea Gerada, Megan Steain, Brian P. McSharry, Barry Slobedman, Allison Abendroth, USYD Congratulations to Fernando Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes (WEHI), who submitted the winning image that will be used for the 2019 cover of Immunology & Cell Biology. Additionally, many congratulations ...

Thumbnail for Immunology & Cell Biology turns 90

Thursday November 20, 2014

Immunology & Cell Biology celebrates 90 years of publication in the current year. The journal was founded in 1924 and a testament to the importance of this journal is that it has become home to a number of landmark papers in the field. This includes many primary works by Macfarlane Burnet, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology (1960) for and Donald Metcalf, winner of the Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award (1993). (see more) ARTICLE highlights from 90 years ...

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