

ASI Public Event | Day of Immunology Public Lecture


30 April 2021, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm


5.30pm - 7.30pm





The science behind vaccination - COVID-19 Vaccines

Join The Australian and New Zealand Society of Immunology (ASI) in celebrating international Day of Immunology 2021.

In Australia and New Zealand COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out across both countries. Have you received your first dose or are you still deciding on whether to get vaccinated? Are you wondering how vaccines work? and How are they developed?

This event is a great opportunity to answer your questions and access accurate scientific information on COVID-19 vaccines and how vaccines work in general.

This event will cover the basics behind how vaccines work, which COVID-19 vaccines are available in Australia and New Zealand and how vaccines are developed. Importantly, experts will promote understanding of informed choices when deciding to get vaccinated.

We have a fantastic line up of talented immunologists and public health researchers who are vaccine experts.

Dr Andreas Kupz, James Cook University, Australia.

Dr Kylie Quinn, RMIT University, Australia.

Prof. Graham Le Gros, The Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, New Zealand.

A/Prof Holly Seale, University of NSW, Australia.

The evening will be chaired by Dr Shane Huntington OAM, exceptional science communicator and host of RRR Einstein a Go-Go radio show, and will be followed by a Q&A session.


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