

Image 1 for ASI StromOz 2023

ASI StromOz 2023


17 March 2023, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm


9:00am - 5:00pm AEDT


Level 8, 750 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC


Prof Burkhard Ludewig (Kantonsspital St Gallen, Switzerland)

Prof Mark Coles (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Oxford University)

Prof. MariaPia Degli-Esposti (Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute)

Prof. Rod Dunbar (University of Auckland) 


Member Price $40.00
Member Student $25.00
Non-Member Price $60.00
Non-Member Student $45.00

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We warmly invite you to ASI StromOz 2023
Stromal immunology is the study of how non-hematopoietic cells influence the immune system and drive immunological outcomes. It is fundamental to immunological health, with high impact findings relevant to many branches of immunology and cell biology, including: T and B cell biology, tumour immunology, intestinal, lung, vascular and adipose biology, rheumatology, neuroimmunology, developmental immunology, cell therapy and regenerative medicine.

A collective identity has begun to emerge in the past 6 years, yielding transformative advances, high impact findings, and a rapidly increasing number of drugs in development pipelines.

This meeting is a terrific opportunity to trade ideas with some of the world’s foremost stromal immunologists. If you think that fibroblasts, endothelial cells, epithelial cells or any non-hematopoietic stromal cell impacts immune health or immune-mediated inflammatory disease in your favourite system, come along and discuss your data or your ideas in a friendly space. Early-career researchers and students are very welcome. 

What are we covering?
We have assembled an exciting one-day event, covering all aspects of stromal immunology research, and with plenty of opportunities for oral presentations.

Prizes will be awarded for the best abstract-selected talk, best ECR talk, and best poster.  

We have a fantastic line up of international and national invited speakers, including: 

Prof Burkhard Ludewig (Kantonsspital St.Gallen, Switzerland),
Prof Mark Coles (The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Oxford University, UK)
Prof. Mariapia Degli-Esposti (Monash University)
Prof. Rod Dunbar (University of Auckland, NZ)

Download a copy of the preliminary program

The Venue:

StromOZ 2023 will be held on the 8th floor at 750 Collins Street, Melbourne, just a 3 minute walk from Southern Cross Station.

ABSTRACT DEADLINE EXTENDED: We are now accepting abstracts until Thursday March 9th 23:59 AEDT. Please submit your abstract using the abstract template.

Download the abstract template

Register before March 9th 2023 at 23:59 (AEDT)

ℹ️  If you are a current ASI member, please click the green button below and log in to the ASI website when prompted. This will ensure that you receive your member-discounted rate.

Disclaimer of Liability 

The Organising Committee will not accept liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants or their accompanying persons or loss of or damage to their personal property as a result of the meeting or related events. 

Should the event be cancelled due to COVID-related restrictions, the Organising Committee shall endeavour to reschedule.  All participants who have paid a registration fee will receive a full refund on the registration fee, but all participants hereby indemnify and hold the Organising Committee unaccountable for all out-of-pocket travel and quarantine -related costs, damages and expenses. 

ℹ️ By registering for and attending the ASI event, you are also indicating your acceptance of the ASI Event Policy.

🚩 Please click the green button below and log in when prompted on the next page (see black box). This will automatically apply your member-discounted rate. As this is a member only event, if you do not log in, you will be unable to register.

Please proceed through the registration page without delay, otherwise, you will be timed out and will need to log in again to receive your member-discounted rate.

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