

IgV Masterclass on Translation of Research: Clinical Trials & Commercialisation


22 March 2024


9:00am - 4:30pm


Davis Auditorium, Level 7 WEHI


Magdalena Plebanski (RMIT)
Justin Boddey (WEHI)
James McCarthy (WEHI/PDI/RMH)
Michele Macintosh (Director of Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre/Monash) 
Nick Gherardin (PDI)
Charlotte Keung (Hudson/Monash Health)
James Vince (WEHI/Mermaid Bio)
Helen Thomas (SVI)
Tom Kay (SVI)
Laura Issa (Roche)
Victoria Jameson (WEHI Business Development Office)
David Segal (WEHI Business Development Office)
Ruth Park-Jones (RIC Uni Melb)
Amabel Tan (Program Director – ANDHealth)
Aaron DeBono (Brandon Capital/CUREator)


We are grateful to the following sponsors who have enabled us to keep registration fees very low



Membership Category Registration Fee (AUD)
Students - ASI Members FREE*
Students - non members 15
Ordinary - ASI Members 20*
Ordinary - non members 40






Member Price $20.00
Non-Member Price $40.00
Non-Member Student $15.00

Become a memberDownload the Flyer


On behalf of the Immunology Group of Victoria (IgV) Committee, we are hosting an IgV "Masterclass on Translation of Research: Clinical Trials & Commercialization" , to be held in person at WEHI (Parkville), Friday, March 22nd 2024, 9am-4:30pm.

We recognise the serious gap between basic research and the translation of discoveries into the clinic. This Master class is pitched at basic researchers of all levels and aims to provide a road map for the many pathways available to translate their research.

Hear from basic scientists who have or are in the process of translating their research (eg: through clinical trials, spin out companies and industry partnerships), heads of institute commercialisation programs, industry and venture capital representatives. These diverse perspectives will teach attendees:

  1. what research is translatable and how to design your research program with this in mind
  2. what to expect when partnering with industry and when to do it
  3. what kind of preliminary data is required to approach a possible industry partner, biotech incubator or venture capital investor
  4. challenges and opportunities when starting a spinout company
  5. when and how to go about getting a patent

Click here to download the flyer.


Registration: 9-9:15am

Session 1: Development stage - Preclinical and clinical partnering
9:15am - 11am

  • Magdalena Plebanski (RMIT) - from ideas to patents to biotech, across multiple diseases 
  • Justin Boddey (WEHI) - pre-clinical partnering with Merck
  • James McCarthy (WEHI/PDI/RMH) - developing clinical trials and human challenge models
  • Michele Macintosh (Director of Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre/Monash) - pre-clinical partnerships to translation, challenges and opportunities
  • Nick Gherardin (PDI) – patents as an early career researcher
    [Panel discussion]

Morning Tea: 15min

Session 2: Next steps - Going your own way or standing on the shoulders of giants

  • Charlotte Keung (Hudson/Monash Health)
  • James Vince (WEHI/Mermaid Bio) – working with spinouts
  • Helen Thomas and Tom Kay (SVI) - drug repurposing trials, finding and working with partners
  • Peter Tregaskis (Roche) - partnering with academia, what industry is looking for and when 
    [Panel discussion]

Lunch 45min

Session 3: Routes (and roots) of Commercialisation

  • Victoria Jameson and David Segal (WEHI Business Development Office)
  • Ruth Park-Jones (RIC Uni Melb)
  • Amabel Tan (Program Director – ANDHealth)
  • Aaron DeBono (Brandon Capital/CUREator)
    [Interactive session and Panel discussion]

Networking: Drinks at Naughton’s

Register before 20th March

Membership Category Registration Fee (AUD)
Students - ASI Members FREE*
Students - non members 15
Ordinary - ASI Members 20*
Ordinary - non members 40




  1. If you haven’t already, please renew your 2024 membership by clicking here, so you receive your membership discount for this event and future events this year.
  2. Click the green "Register for this event" button below.
  3. If you are a student please ensure you tick the student attendee box, as your registration fee will be calculated automatically.
  4. *If you are a current member please ensure you are logged in, as your membership discounted fee will be applied automatically. No refunds will be issued if you forget to log in or are timed out, so please complete your registration without delay. 


ℹ️ Your health and safety are our priority. This is a COVID-safe event with the following rules to adhere to:

  • All delegates and exhibitors may be asked to present a NEGATIVE Rapid Antigen Test before travelling to the conference.
  • All attendees must comply with the Safety Plan advised by public health orders to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 on the premises. 
  • All attendees are encouraged to wear a mask particularly at indoor venues
  • All attendees are encouraged to contact the Organising Committees if they exhibit symptoms and consider cancelling their registration or participating remotely to minimise transmission
  • ASI will not cover expenses associated with extra accommodation or alternative transport costs due to isolation requirements should attendees test positive at the event. All attendees should be aware that the events are ‘Attend at your own risk'.  

Disclaimer  of Liability 

The Organising Committee will not accept liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants or their accompanying persons or loss of or damage to their personal property as a result of the meeting or related events. 

Should the event be cancelled due to COVID-related restrictions, the Organising Committee shall endeavour to reschedule.  All participants who have paid a registration fee may receive a full refund on the registration fee, but all participants hereby indemnify and hold the Organising Committee unaccountable for all out-of-pocket travel and quarantine -related costs, damages and expenses. 

ℹ️ By registering for and attending the ASI event, you are also indicating your acceptance of the ASI Event Policy.

🚩  Don't forget! If you are a current ASI member, please click the green button below and log in when prompted on the next page (see black box). This will automatically apply your member-discounted rate. If you do not log in, your member discount will not be applied.

No refunds will be given for incorrect registrations, so please make your selections carefully and check that the total amount payable matches your expectations.

Please proceed through the registration page without delay, otherwise, you will be timed out and will need to log in again to receive your member-discounted rate.

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