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Events on 1st July 2024

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ASI NZ Branch Meeting 2024

Thumbnail for ASI NZ Branch Meeting 2024

3 to 5 July 2024   Victoria University of Wellington, Te Herenga Waka

Member price : $150.00
Price: $200.00

ASI is looking forward to inviting you to join us at the ASI NZ Branch Meeting 2024.  Program Coming soon Welcome Mixer 3 July At the end of the first day, we will offer a welcome drink with nibbles, at no cost. Please select "Attending" or "Not attending" when prompted on the event registration form, ...

ASI Visiting Speaker Program - Dr Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti

Thumbnail for ASI Visiting Speaker Program - Dr Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti

4 to 5 July 2024   See below

Member price :

We are excited to invite you to the next ASI Visiting Speakers Program event. Dr. Thiru Kanneganti is a world-leading expert in the fields of innate immunity, cytokines, inflammasomes, and inflammatory cell death. In addition to discovering the genetic basis and molecular mechanisms for interacting networks of innate immune sensors and cell ...

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