Event Policy


ASI Event Policy

ASI has implemented the following event guidelines during COVID-19, as the health and safety of our members and all meeting attendees are of utmost importance. 

We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these guidelines when you attend an ASI event.

Disclaimer of Liability

The Organising Committee will not accept liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants or their accompanying persons or loss of or damage to their personal property as a result of the meeting or related events.

Should the event be cancelled due to COVID-related restrictions, the Organising Committee shall endeavour to reschedule.  All participants who have paid a registration fee will receive a full refund on the registration fee, but all participants (attendees and teaching faculty) hereby indemnify and hold the Organising Committee unaccountable for all out-of pocket travel and quarantine-related costs, damages and expenses. 

By registering for and attending the ASI event, you are also indicating your acceptance of the ASI Event Policy (below).

ASI Event Policy for Sponsors

Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance and Payment

a) ASI reserves the right to accept or decline any sponsorship at its sole discretion.

b) A sponsorship is considered accepted by ASI once a sponsorship invoice has been issued, subject to the terms and conditions outlined herein. If ASI declines a sponsorship, any payments made by the intending sponsor will be refunded in full.

c) Upon payment of the sponsorship invoice, the sponsor enters into a legally binding agreement with ASI to participate in the specified event, governed by the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

d) Sponsorship invoices are issued in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST).

e) Payment is due in accordance with the payment terms specified on the sponsorship invoice.

f) Sponsorship benefits will only be activated upon receipt of full payment.

g) In the event of a sponsor’s cancellation, no refunds will be issued for any payments made. Cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected].

2. Insurance

Neither ASI nor the venue owner/manager and their respective employees or agents accept any liability for damage to or loss of any equipment, materials or other belongings brought in by or on behalf of a partner, sponsor and/or exhibitor to the venue of the event. The sponsor is advised to take out appropriate insurance cover accordingly.

3. Unavoidable Occurrences

In the event that the opening, closing or duration of the event is cancelled or amended whether by decision of ASI, the venue owner or manager or any sponsor, and for any reason including but not limited to, fire, flood, labour disputes, natural disasters, civil disorders, riots, insurrections, work stoppages, slowdowns or disputes, pandemic or other similar events, then the sponsor shall not be entitled to any refund or to claim for any compensation, loss or damage.

4. Authority and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Upon payment of the sponsorship invoice, the sponsor enters into a legally binding agreement with ASI to participate in the specified event, governed by the terms and conditions outlined in this document. By proceeding with payment, the sponsor confirms that they have read, understood, and accepted these Terms and Conditions, and that they have the authority to bind their organisation.

ASI Event Policy for Attendees

Attendees and Organising Committee (OC) members need to adhere to current state's guidelines at a minimum. Eg Mask requirements indoors may not be a state requirement but whether the event will mandate indoor masks is up to the OC because the risk can vary according to the venue setup, numbers of attendees and how well ventilated the space is.

All attendees need to be fully immunised according to the current definition of fully immunised (this may include a booster/s).    

Interstate attendees are strongly encouraged to take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) before their flight if interstate, and the morning of the ASI event.  Please consider taking a photo showing the date of a negative result and keep on file.

Local attendees are encouraged to take a RAT the morning of the ASI event. Please consider taking a photo showing the date of a negative result and keep on file.

All attendees may be asked to complete a brief yes/no online declaration form stating their compliance with the RAT requirement.  

Atttendees need to be aware that ASI will not be responsible for any additional expenses incurred by an attendee, including costs associated with extra accommodation / transport (e.g. due to isolation requirements).

Complete online declaration form now

ASI Event Policy for Organising Committees

Attendees and Organising Committee (OC) members need to adhere to current state's guidelines at a minimum. Eg Mask requirements indoors may not be a state requirement but whether the event will mandate indoor masks is up to the OC because the risk can vary according to the venue and numbers of attendees and how well ventilated the space is.

Organising Committee members may wish to consider providing RATS and N95 masks in a welcome pack upon arrival.  Quantity to provide depends on length of event.

Organising Committee members need to encourage the purchasing of flexible flight tickets if possible.

Last updated: May 4th 2023

© ASI 2021

ABN 76 330 189 856 | ARBN 084 971 559 | CAV A0016266B