

Latest News

Friday August 14, 2015

Dear Members,

This is a reminder that nominations are called for several positions on ASI council that will commence at the Annual General Meeting in Canberra in December. Please complete the nomination form and return to me by COB Friday 18th October 2015, including a 200 word biography.

Please note that one of the positions (ASI meeting coordinator) was not included in the first notification of these elections. See below for details about this and other positions.

The following positions are open for nominations;

ASI Vice President (will become President in 2017) – the elected member will be Vice President for one year (2016), then President for two years (2017-8) before a final year as Past President (2019)

Branch/Regional Councillors for ACT, WA and SA/NT (i.e. one councillor for each branch) – represent branch members at ASI Council for 3 years (2016 –18), organise local branch activities, financial reporting to treasurer.

Women’s Initiative councillor: This is a new position on council to represent, promote and support female Immunologists, including oversight of the Women’s Initiative Program featured on the ASI website that facilitates mentoring programs and other initiatives.

ASI Meetings Coordinator – This councillor maintains a centralized record of ASI’s policies and guidelines relating to meeting organization. The councillor provides guidance to Council and Local Organizing Committees about the administration of scientific meetings.

FIMSA councillor – acts as ASI’s representative for 3 years (2016–18) to the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania.

IUIS councillor nominee – will be nominated to act as ASI’s representative to the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) for 3 years (from ICI2016–ICI2019). The position is contingent on the nominee being accepted to the IUIS council, although we expect this will be a formality because of ASI’s important role in the IUIS.

n.b. Please note that the IUIS representative currently receives funding from ASI to attend one IUIS council meeting each 3 years. ASI council is considering whether to increase this funding to support travel to the IUIS Council each year, but a final decision will not be made until the Annual Council meeting that coincides with the ASI Annual Scientific meeting.

The President (and Vice President) and all Branch representatives are ‘Voting councillors’. The FIMSA, IUIS, Meeting Coordinator and Women’s Initiative representative can attend ASI council meetings as non-voting councillors.

If more than one nomination is received for any position a ballot will be held. Please note that current position holders may renominate.

For national positions (Vice President) the ballot will involve all members. For branch/regional representatives, the ballot will be organised centrally but involve only members from the particular state, region or country (NZ). If only one nomination is received the nominee will be declared elected unopposed.

For those who are interested in nominating but would like further information on what the position would entail, including responsibilities and workload, please contact the following people:

ASI President/Vice President - Prof Chris Goodnow [email protected] or Prof Dale Godfrey [email protected]
ACT Branch representative – Dr Anselm Enders [email protected]
SA/NT Branch representative – Dr Cara Fraser [email protected]
WA Branch representative – Dr Andrew Currie [email protected]
Women’s Initiative councillor – Dr Roslyn Kemp; [email protected]
ASI Meetings Coordinator – Dr Susanne Heinzel [email protected]
FIMSA representative - ACT, Prof Alan Baxter [email protected]
IUIS representative - ACT, Prof Alan Baxter [email protected]

Please see the ASI constitution for more details about the regulations of ASI and more detail on how council and branches operate.

If you have any queries about the ballot process please contact me.


Stuart Berzins

Honorary Secretary, Australasian Society for Immunology

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