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Latest News
Thursday March 05, 2020
Roslyn Kemp
How many coffees / teas do you drink per day?
I drink one store-bought coffee a day – I don’t really like hot drinks, but that preference became such a social handicap when I moved back to NZ that I had to start.
Which immune cell is your favourite?
The T cell, of course - many will be aware of my opinion that all T cells can do all things in the immune response depending on where it is and who is ...
Monday March 02, 2020
Is there an Immunologist you would like to meet?
A key benefit to being an ASI member is the opportunity to nominate a prominent international Immunologist whom you'd like to meet and possibly collaborate with.
There are 2 opportunities every year for ASI members to nominate international speakers to visit Australia and New Zealand, funded by ASI.
The first 2020 nomination round is currently open and closes March 30th 2020.
Click here to learn more.
Monday February 24, 2020
Application rounds for the following ASI Awards are currently open, and close March 23rd 2020:
International Travel Awards: Postgraduate & Postdoctoral
Senior Travel Awards: Ada & Miller
Don't forget you will need a current 2020 membership to apply, so please login and renew now.
International Travel Awards - Postgraduate
To support student members of ASI who wish to travel overseas for conferences (excluding the ASI Annual Scientific Meeting). These awards are offered twice a year.
Please note that Higher Degree students, Honours students and Research Technicians are all eligible to ...
Thursday February 20, 2020
2020 Membership Renewal Invoices are now available for payment
We warmly welcome our new ASI Members and many thanks to all of our members on auto-renewal.
Membership invoices are now ready for payment so please log in to your ASI Member Profile and click on the 'Invoices' tab.
Make sure you're eligible for 2020 awards by renewing now
Don't forget that eligibility for most ASI awards require renewal before April 1st so please renew now by clicking the green button below.
We warmly welcome our ...
Wednesday February 12, 2020
Following the success of the inaugural ASI Advanced Immunology School in 2019, we are excited to announce our plans to make the ASI - AIS a regular event on the ASI Calendar.
Are you our next Chair, ASI Advanced Immunology School?
We now invite applications for the role of Chair, ASI Advanced Immunology School.
Being our Chair is a great way to:
Make your contribution to ASI
Enhance your C.V.
Gain experience in coordinating and overseeing a scientific event
Eligibility Criteria:
Mid-senior career researcher (ideally)
Experience in training PhD ...
Monday February 10, 2020
It's been an exciting couple of years for the ASI Journal Clinical & Translational Immunology with the recent announcement of our first ever CTI Impact Factor of 7.271!
We invite you to spend some time looking at the papers that ranked as our top cited publications for 2018 & 2019:
Recent novel approaches to limit oxidative stress and inflammation in diabetic complications
Raelene J Pickering, Carlos J Rosado, Arpeeta Sharma, Shareefa Buksh, Mitchel Tate, Judy B de Haan.
Diabetes is considered a major burden on the healthcare ...
Monday February 10, 2020
The results are in!
We are very excited to showcase Immunology & Cell Biology's Top Cited Publications for Jan 2018 - Dec 2019.
Congratulations to the authors of the following papers:
Immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer therapy: a focus on T‐regulatory cells
Varun Sasidharan Nair, Eyad Elkord.
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play essential roles in immune homeostasis; however, their role in tumor microenvironment (TME) is not completely evident. Several studies reported that infiltration of Tregs into various tumor tissues promotes tumor progression by limiting antitumor immunity and supporting ...
Friday February 07, 2020
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is on Tuesday the 11th of February 2020, and we are theming our celebration around:
“You can’t be what you can’t see”
Marian Wright Edelman
Civil and children’s rights activist
The women of ASI are fantastic STEM role models for children their lives, particularly girls. To celebrate this important relationship, join our Twitter campaign. Snap a selfie of yourself and with your little buddy (girl or boy) this weekend, fill in the following template and ...
Thursday January 23, 2020
The Editorial Board of Clinical & Translational Immunology is looking for early and mid-career ASI investigators to act as Guest Editors for the journal. Guest Editors will be responsible for coordinating theme-specific Special Features of Clinical and Translational Immunology for 2020-21 which can include primary research papers and/or comprehensive reviews.
If you are interested in acting as Guest Editor, please email the Clinical & Translational Immunology Editorial Office ([email protected]) with the potential title of the theme and a list of potential contributors to this Special Feature. In addition, please include brief ...
Wednesday January 15, 2020
Immunology & Cell Biology
ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Social Media and Web Content
applications are now invited
Immunology & Cell Biology is seeking applicants for the position of Associate Editor to support the ICB Editorial Team.
The primary responsibility of the Associate Editor is to support the Editor-in-Chief in maintaining and building ICB as a definitive source of primary immunology research. The Associate Editor will be part of an Editorial Team consisting of the Editor-in-Chief, four Deputy Editors, two News & Commentary Editors, and an Editorial Assistant. She ...
Friday December 20, 2019
Please click here to visit our Newsletter page and download your copy of the December 2019 ASI Newsletter.
Tuesday December 17, 2019
Many congratulations to the following people for receiving our prestigious ASI Awards and Special Honours.
Derrick Rowley Medal
Alan Baxter, James Cook University
Susanne Heinzel, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Foundation Lecture
Jonathan Sprent, Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Burnet Oration
Michael Good, Griffith University
Margaret Baird Women in Immunology Lectureship Award (inaugural)
Jessica Borger, Monash University
Jared Purton - ASI Awards
1st Prize: Kylie Quinn, RMIT University
2nd Prize: Farzaneh Kordachech, Australian National University
Jacques Miller Senior Award
Scott Mueller, Peter Doherty Institute
Gordon Ada Senior Awards
Marcel Batten, Melanoma Institute Australia
Stephanie Gras, Monash University
Connie Jackaman, Curtin University
Joshua Ooi, Monash University
ASI ...
Monday December 16, 2019
Following our recent ASI AGM on the 10th Dec 2019, we would like to thank our Outgoing Councillors and congratulate our Incoming Councillors.
Please join us in thanking our Outgoing Councillors to whom we are indebted for their dedication, time and efforts, in making ASI a wonderful society to be a part of.
Please also join us in congratulating and welcoming our newest ASI Council Members who have recently taken up their positions at our 2019 AGM.
With much gratitude to our Outgoing ...
Monday November 25, 2019
Last chance to sign up to be an ASI2019 social media ambassador!
It is almost time for ASI 2019 and we’re looking for some keen social media users to post meeting highlights and share their experiences on Twitter and Facebook.
This is a great opportunity to expand your professional network, and progress your science communication skills!
Students and ECRs will be given first preference, but we encourage that all attendees join the online conversation at #ASI2019SA and at the conference facebook group.
If you are already active on Twitter and/or Facebook and ...

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membership to access
Tuesday November 19, 2019
Dear ASI member,
Notice is hereby given that the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology Inc. will be held as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 10th December, 2019
Time: 12.30pm (ACDT)
Location: Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
See below for key information and please note we have 4 proposed changes to the ASI Constitution.
2019 AGM Agenda
2018 AGM Minutes
Proxy Form - for those who cannot attend. Your member number can be located within your member profile.
Kind regards,
ASI Executive Committee

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membership to access
Monday November 18, 2019
ASMR wishes to pass on the following message to ASI members.
If you have not already completed the survey below, I urge you to do so now. The data provided about Australia's HMR workforce is invaluable in communicating with Ministers, Shadow Ministers and government at all levels. Your assistance in supporting the sector in this way is much appreciated.
Dear Member,
In light of the rapidly evolving health and medical research landscape, the Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) is conducting a workforce ...
Wednesday November 13, 2019
The Best of CTI 2019
The ASI journal Clinical & Translational Immunology publishes cutting-edge advances in biomedical research for scientists and physicians, and is proud to promote scientific excellence.
We are excited to announce the following publications have been selected by the CTI Editorial Board as being the Best of CTI for 2019:
Kathryn E Hally
Platelets regulate leucocyte responses to Toll‐like receptor stimulation
James (Jim) Harris
Analysis of serum interleukin(IL)‐1α, IL‐1β and IL‐18 in patients with
systemic sclerosis
Lisa FP Ng
Novel differential linear B‐cell epitopes to identify Zika and dengue virus ...
Wednesday November 06, 2019
The Best of ICB 2019
The ASI journal Immunology & Cell Biology publishes cutting-edge research and is proud to promote scientific excellence.
We are excited to announce the following publications have been selected by the ICB Editorial Board as being the Best of ICB for 2019:
Daniel Gray
CARD11 is dispensable for homeostatic responses and
suppressive activity of peripherally induced FOXP3 + regulatory T cells
Jason Kelly
Chronically stimulated human MAIT cells are unexpectedly potent
IL-13 producers
Chunni Lu
Memory regulatory T cells home to the lung and control influenza A virus
Don't miss ...

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membership to access
Tuesday October 29, 2019
With much excitement, we are very pleased to announce our ASI Council Members for 2020.
We warmly welcome:
ASI Vice President
Prof Stephen Turner
ASI New Zealand Branch Councillor
Dr Ries Langley
As we have received multiple nominations for the other positions on ASI Council, we will be conducting a ballot for the following national positions:
ASI Honorary Secretary Nominees
Dr Amy Chung
Dr Connie Jackaman
ASI Day of Immunology Coordinator Nominees
Dr Gabriela Khoury
Dr Paulo Martins
All current financial members are eligible to vote for national Council positions.
Please note that if ...

This content requires a valid
membership to access
Tuesday October 29, 2019
If you are a member of ASI QLD, you are invited to vote for your QLD Branch Councillor.
ASI QLD Branch Councillor Nominees
A/Prof Severine Navarro
Dr Danielle Stanisic
Outcomes will be announced at the 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
If you are a current financial member based in QLD, please vote below.
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